Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Four: Cluster Reflection

When i first started this semester i was clueless but as students we have progressed a lot since we spend so much time together.  We got familiarize with our critical thinking thanks to the professors.  The common theme i noticed in this cluster was the violation of human rights through out history.  Couple of decades ago African American  attained their civil rights but before that life was not so easy for them and in some cases same for the women who were considered properties but even after the civil war we are still struggling with our rights.  Our class is like a little melting pot where we have students from different parts of the world comprising different cultures and backgrounds.  Sometimes we would encounter with each other in a good and professional way because this way we can interpret and understand our similarities and differences and come up with solutions and with all this we are moving forward.  LIB is a very unique class because in this not just students but also the professors work together among themselves and students.  We gather information from our other classes and then we put them all together to come up with our own thinking.

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